Player ranking

Since the Club was founded over a hundred years ago, 250 members have won one or more competitions. Besides the current top players, past members are remembered with reverence for their skill. How do they compare? And have you ever wondered where you rank against all other previous winners? Top half? Top fifty? Maybe even top ten?

Here's a list of all winning members, ranked on the criteria shown below. The ranking includes winners right up to and including the 2019 season. When viewing the ranking, please bear in mind the following.
  1. Today there are more Club, County and National competitions to enter than existed when the Club was first formed, so current players have a much better chance than original members of winning something.
  2. Is a County Singles win worth more than multiple Club Singles wins?
The ranking criteria are as follows.
  1. Any National win trumps County or Club.
  2. Any County win trumps Club.
  3. Any Singles win trumps Pairs, Triples or Fours.
  4. Any Pairs win trumps Triples or Fours.
Here are the rankings.